Sunday, December 21, 2014

Designing on a quilt

Designing a quilt 

 I'm working on this quilt and have stitched in the ditch on the whole quilt.  Now I want  to start designing designs on the quilt!   I don't want to mark it because I'm not sure what I want to do yet? 

So I got that stick cellophane on the quilt and traced the center space. 

I double layered the cellophane to make sure that when I marked the cellophane no ink will go through!  

Then I pulled it off and put tracing paper on it!! Now I have a template of size and what is on the design! 

Tracing paper! 

Looking at different designs

These designs are from a book that are copy rights free!! Meaning these designs have no copy rights!  I bought this book years ago! 

This is my first design! I like some thing but still want to do some more! 

Designs to see what catches my eye! 

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