Thursday, May 16, 2013


One of my good friends and client is having a daughter graduate from Baylor and asked me to make a Stole for her.  Now I have never done one so this is my first attempt. 
Each side of the Stole is 31 to 33 inches long depending on the person wearing it.  Also the width is 7-5 inches also depending on the individual wearing it. 
Top of Stole

**cut two white strips 6 inches wide and 36 inches long this is the top**
**cut two small strips 2 inches same length**

Sew the black to the white.  Make an 90 degree angle cut on the top of your fabrics.  Then Sew the two tops together and keep the black seams in line
Back of the Stole
**Cut two white 7 inches wide and the same length of the top**
Sew one side of the top and back together.  I decided to sew the black side together it keeps a clean line and easier to control. 

 Once you have one side put together then you can place the unique information that applies to the scholar.

   My friends daughter was in a sorority and she wanted it in bling.  On the bottom of the bling she wanted to have the name the sorority gave.    These things are specific to her and all her sisters. 

She also wanted the Year she graduated on the other side.  With the true logo of the sorority.
When done decorating the
Kiss  the two top fabrics together cut the angels 45 degrees sew one end and sew all the way to the other end.  Then turn it inside out.  Like you would a sock when it is reversed

Friday, May 3, 2013

Beautiful Culture

 Tapestry of a Culture

One of the lady's in my appliqué class brought this to me.  She loves it.  A representation of her culture, she wanted to hang it on the wall.  This Tapestry is weighty and the yarn that is woven into the fabric is thick and it shifts like poly. 

Fear of Mistakes
 Some of the fears I as a Longarm quilters have is when a quilter  comes to me and I am unsure if I can do what they are asking me to do.   I know the emotional connection I have when I do my quilt tops and the investment of time and money I have put on a top.    

I am fascinated how someone who doesn't know me or my work could trust me.  They are trusting me with a quilt top that they have worked on for multiple hours.  The investment of fabric isn't a cheap element either.   I have done quilts that just in fabric cost me $300.00 not entering the labor, batting, binding, and longarm quilting.  Being trusted with a treasure like this can and has paralyzed me from even starting.   

The work

Quilting only the white through the whole tapestry.   Quilting down the white allowed the lifted yarn to pop out on the tapestry.    The quilting also allowed  me to square the quilt as much as I could and there is no more shifting and when she hangs it is going to look lovely on the wall. 

Since I didn't do anything special on the white of the Tapestry I decided to do some lovely feathers on the sashing. 

I did a video to show you how I did the sashing border.  Hope you like the video.