All she needs is quilting on the borders
I have been working on this quilt for quiet a while and now I can see the hard work coming to life.
I think I have grown the most with this quilt. I would work on it sporadically and with no expectation. Once I quilted the center diamond everything seemed to of clicked. I found a design that created interest and at the same time highlighted the piercers work.
I learned straight line quilting, I learned stitching in the ditch, I gained much practice on feathers, pebbles, and shells. I tried out different marking tools and found my favorite out of the many. I also tried different rulers, Lisa Callies, Dritz stitch in the ditch, and my favorite Apothecaries Ruler. I also found a wonder full extended table for my longarm so that I would be able to straight line quilt without hesitation from my old table that would get stuck.
I have made countless videos on with this quilt. It has really been an work of love.
I have cried and allowed myself to find healing as I would sit for countless hours quilting. I would pray as I quilted and in the rhythm of the movement and the purring of the motor some how I found my answers and peace. I have listened to beautiful Christian music and had my dogs sitting near by as I would work on this quilt. One time my dog stretched out in such a strange position with such peace I even feel she was touched by the peace.
I have had this quilt a long time and Its almost time to let her go. I thank her for everything she has given me.